Rapidly Evolving Assessment Methodologies

August 17, 2023

Here at FOS, we work with facility managers every day. It’s helped us stay in the loop about how assessment methodologies are quickly changing — and why suitability of facilities is of the upmost importance. Suitability refers to how well a particular building fits the specific needs it was intended for, and this “fit” is like the superhero of your facility world. Suitability isn’t just some minor detail. It plays a vital role in optimizing functionality, boosting productivity, ensuring safety, and even makes sure users of the space are satisfied.

We also understand that the full scope of work for FMs is wide, but the overall goal is the same: to ensure all elements of operation are in order to keep spaces optimized, safe, and productive. A big part of achieving that goal is conducting facility condition assessments (FCAs). At FOS, we’ve embraced the importance of adapting to this changing FM landscape and in response have enhanced our FOScore® FCA and capital planning software with an agile suitability module.

Want to learn more about how suitability tools, data, and stakeholder engagement can help you provide high quality environments for your users? Read our full article in Facility Executive!


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