27J Schools

FOS of CannonDesign performed a district-wide facility condition assessment (FCA) for 27J Schools outside of Denver, Colorado. Recognizing the District’s goal to meet bond planning deadlines, the project schedule was developed using an accelerated timeline without compromising the equally import goal to deliver a high-quality, detailed facility condition assessment. The comprehensive assessment of physical conditions acquired data that was analyzed to develop 5- and 10-year recommendations for strategic asset repairs and replacements. Prioritization of needs for the maintenance and operations of existing facilities was conducted for building disciplines including building envelope, architectural interiors, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, fire protection, and structural systems.

The District’s asset list for outdoor amenities and parking lots ensured that 27J had the requested information about their school sites to incorporate into the full picture of facility needs. The actionable deficiency records with accurate cost estimates allow for the identification and consolidation of future bond projects as they discuss various capital planning strategies for the 1.6M sf of facilities across 24 sites.


Santa Monica Malibu Unified School District


Baltimore County Public Schools