FOS’s Rich Mrugala Promoted

July 28, 2022

Shout out to Rich Mrugala, FOS’s new Quality & Cost Control Leader! The following announcement is written by FOS President, Joe Cassata:

Born and raised in Western New York, Rich Mrugala has always been hyper-focused on not just growing personally and professionally in his hometown but investing in it. This rings true; when asked why he joined FOS in 2017, Rich explains that he was impressed by CannonDesign’s renovation of the Montante Cultural Center at Canisius College, his alma mater, and encouraged by his family who had experienced positive business relationships with CannonDesign as a company. At that time, Rich applied and was hired as an architectural assessor with FOS. Since then, Rich has continuously devoted his time to training members of our team and devoting time giving back to his community, most recently at a summer cleanup of Delaware Park.

Although not taking effect until later this year, I hope you’ll join me in congratulating Rich on his much-deserved promotion to Quality and Cost Control Leader for FOS! In his new role, Rich will help our facility condition assessment (FCA) teams elevate the quality of their report deliverables by providing an additional round of quality assurance review. Rich will help make record writing more straight forward and efficient, setting goals of establishing best practice methodology, maintaining relative cost consistency throughout the duration of projects, and providing assessor support to help our teams be the best they can be. He will also assist in the updating of FOScore® record categories including unit pricing, standard language, and software methodology.

When asked how he will continue to make an impact on FOS, Rich said “by supporting my fellow teammates in order to produce the best work that we possibly can.” He is personally inspired by a variety of peaceful outdoor activities, including studying nature, skiing, cycling, hiking, canoeing, gardening, mushroom hunting, and wildlife watching. Rich brings this calming presence to every project he touches, truly embodying our “lead with optimism” maxim. His ability to see the positive leads him toward solutions, not just for our team but for our clients. Rich likes to say he makes sure to decompress and recharge through food… which must mean he hungers for enduring solutions. This hunger strengthens everything FOS does to solve for tomorrow’s complex challenges.

Congrats Rich!


FOS Emerging Leader - Brad Halvorson


Juan Lessey Promoted - Architectural Assessor